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Can Psilocybin Treat Depression?

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Stepping Off the Battlefield: A conversation with Jon Macaskill and Suzanne Lesko on overcoming personal and professional traumatic stress with psychedelics

Two years before Jon Macaskill, a former Navy SEAL Commander, decided he was ready to transition out of the military, he started thinking about what would come next—and his plans seemed to change daily. New jobs, new paths, new ideas, and none quite seemed to resonate with him. The military, he says, is designed to […]

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The Betterment of the Well: Finding power in releasing control and discovering purpose with Heather Smolin

Several years ago, colleagues of Heather Smolin, Beckley Retreats alumna and a tenured HR professional, suggested she look into her then-company’s offerings for therapy. She was grateful and curious about the experience, as the employee benefit was an easy way to explore what therapy might look like. “You’ll find I’m just such a curious person,” […]

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Is microdosing just placebo? Insights from the Beckley Foundation’s research programme

The following article, written by Jon Sharp, comes from The Beckley Foundation. To see the original text, click here. It’s increasingly clear that we’re in the midst of a Psychedelic Renaissance. The past decade has seen a gamut of incredible new research into psychedelic compounds, much of which has been initiated by Amanda Feidling and […]

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Psychedelic Truffles vs. Mushrooms: Comparing Effects and Uses

The exploration of psychedelic substances has expanded the horizons of self-reflection and transformative experiences for many. Emerging in continued research, we see the rise of psychdelic truffles and psilocybin mushrooms. These natural psychedelics have been used for centuries, offering profound insights into the mind and the nature of consciousness. In this article, we delve into […]

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The Women Who Make Beckley Retreats Possible

In honor of Women’s History Month, we want to highlight the invaluable contributions that women have made on the Beckley Retreats team. Without them, our programs would not be here today, and our mission to spark broader, positive change through unlocking new ways of seeing with psychedelics would not be possible.  The Beckley Retreats story […]

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Psilocybin vs Traditional SSRIs

As discussion surrounding mental health continues to grow, the dialogue between traditional and alternative approaches to our wellbeing has never been more dynamic. Among the topics at the forefront of this conversation is the comparison between psilocybin, a naturally occurring psychedelic compound, and selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs), the most commonly prescribed antidepressants. This article […]

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The History of Psilocybin Usage

The history of psilocybin, the psychoactive compound found in over 200 species of mushrooms, is as rich and varied as the colors and shapes of the fungi themselves. This natural psychedelic has been intertwined with human culture and spirituality for thousands of years, from the indigenous use of psychedelics in sacred ceremonies to the modern […]

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Navigating Your Journey: How to Stop a Bad Trip

Embarking on a psychedelic journey can be an illuminating experience, offering profound insights and personal growth. However, like any voyage into the unknown, there’s the potential for challenging moments. In the realm of psychedelic exploration, these are often referred to as a ‘bad trip.’ Understanding how to navigate these experiences is crucial for anyone seeking […]

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Psychedelics for Anxiety

In recent years, the conversation surrounding mental health has expanded, among which the use of psychedelics to address anxiety has emerged as a particularly intriguing option. With a history rooted in traditional practices and bolstered by contemporary research, psychedelic therapy for anxiety offers a novel pathway for those seeking relief from persistent anxiety symptoms. What […]

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When Leadership Meets Magic: Reflections on our conversation with Jim MacPhee

When Jim MacPhee, former COO of Walt Disney World, retired in April 2021 after 43 years as a corporate executive, he quickly realized how little time he’d had for reflection and discovery along the way. When his wife recommended that he watch Michael Pollan’s psychedelic documentary, “How to Change Your Mind,” Jim was intrigued—and from […]

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